Dr. Cayla Bellamy (Colorado State University) learns all about Dr. Laura Bennett Cameron's (Univ. of Texas - Arlington) "pre-practice routine" before studying an etude, then shares her own mental process of reviewing new music.
Dr. Bennett Cameron leads us through her pre-practice routine as she learns a new etude: Weissenborn 30. She covers everything you need to know to set up for etude learning success.
Dr. Bellamy demonstrates extracting fundamental techniques, using Rubank Advanced Method #30 as a case study in the "pre-practice routine."
Dr. Bellamy demonstrates extracting fundamental techniques, using Weissenborn Advanced Study #35 as a case study in the "pre-practice routine."
Dr. Bellamy gives Dr. Bennett Cameron a tour and explanation of her practice desk, and Dr. Bennett Cameron helps us figure out how to use reference recordings in the practice process.